Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Big Green One Eyed Monster

I recently spent a good hour on the phone, consolling a friend who was absolutely beside herself. She had been scathingly attacked on her appearence by one of her Lecturers. A Woman with a P.H.D, in a position of power failed my incredibly intelligent, capable friend just because she happens to be devastatingly beautiful.  Berated for being too young, too thin & too pretty,  this lecturer also added that she could use her looks to persuade a males opinion, but that it also made her less authoritive and there in lied her problem. In plain english, this well educated & successful Woman was balatantly abusing her authority in this situation to satisfy her jealousy, which obviously stemmed from her own physical insecurities.

This is not an isolated incident. The Big, one eyed green monster has been rearing its ugly head quiet frequently of late. It has become apparent, the while overweight Women get slently judged, we are quiet happy to vocalise & even openly attack a thin or attractive women. But why? Is it because we think someone so thin couldn't possible be offended? What if they had a life threatening disease that caused their petiteness? Since when is it ok to approach a perfect strange and tell them they look "gaunt" or "anorexic"?

I had a woman recently come up to me in a pub to tell me she thought I was beautiful. I said thankyou & offered to buy her a drink. Drink accepted, we made fast friends. Until I was being filrted with and she wasn't, which is where she loudly announced that she would prefer a much more intelligent conversation to the one I was immersed in. Needless to say, our friendship ended right then and there.

So heres the ettiquette lesson of the day: If you don't have anything nice to say, DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL! It's not ok to approach an almost stranger and criticise their body, intelligence or anything about them. Ever.  Let this be a lesson to everyone. Green is not a colour suited to everyone, least of all when worn in the Jealous hue.

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